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Les Mejores

Alexis Nolla · Ata · Carles G.O.D.
Fri, 2014-11-21 19:30 - 21:00

in these times of graphic novels; auteur comics; autobiographical stories and with scripts that not even their fricking mothers understand, with drawings that a child could do... but the intellectual scream in unison "uuuuuuooooouuuu, how innovative." In Bosta we prefer to shit on them all and say:
Viva the tight bulge showing costumes
Viva the most stupid ways of obtaining superpowers
Long live the people who are saving the world all the time and are left without a minute to get laid
Viva the superheroes
Viva Les Mejores

A presentation of Les Mejores number zero , where the characters are introduced
Meet the superheroes that will end all superhero franchises: Mr Amazingly, Peri-Peri, B'Oreal, Mega Doubts, Mr. Diamond and The Great Kodiak, Cofrade, Liberator, The Incredible Jihad-Man, The Motoavenger and the kid with a Mask ... are just the vanguard. They come to stay, and unfortunately for all of us, to impart their twisted values around the world.