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Presentació de "Caracoles de escalera" d'en Toni Junyent

Toni Junyent
Fri, 2018-03-16 19:00 - 21:00

What can I tell you? Some adults, in order to forge their character, had to do the military service or even go to a war (I recently heard this in a movie). I forged my character mainly through to the graphic adventures. From them I extracted the tendency to absurd humor and the closed doors and the damaged stairs and, in general, to narrative. In this fanzine, I talk about all these and Celine and Julie Go Boating, a wonderful film by Jacques Rivette that, in fact, was the reason that made me want to write about graphic adventures. I also tell about Thimbleweed Park, a graphic adventure that two members of the extinct LucasArts released last year. Anyway, what can I tell you?

On Friday 16, from 7pm. in Fatbottom. I will make a brief informal presentation.

I named it 'Caracoles de escalera' (literally, staircase snails. Spiral staircase, in spanish, would be snail staircase) because one of the recurring motifs, an image that appears often, is a spiral staircase. I've turned the title around so it sounds more poetic or disconcerting. I wrote it last year, in a pizzeria at la Sagrera, and since then I have modified it several times.

The video game I'm talking about is this:

And the film: