Repulsive attraction

Backyard Barons / · español

Repulsive Attraction is a socio- and eco-critical collection of novels in a palette of toxic colors. A bastard of dystopian pantomime tales about the greedy mutants of capitalism, absurd and repulsive visions of the doomsday future, and the imminent collapse of society. No text, no speech balloons – only radioactive, psychedelic colors. This release is cornucopia showcasing Patrick Steptoes quirky and surreal micro-cosmos and distinct style, characterized by a meticulous, underlying eye for detail and a deliberate playfulness in regard to the limitations of panels. Repulsive Attraction is a seminal debut that manages to move between neo impressionistic colors and formats, and black humor delivered through almost dadaist depictions of a self-destructive society.

format: rústica / pàgines: 80