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Presentació d' Ikea Dream Makers, del Cristian Robles

Cristian Robles
Thu, 2014-10-30 19:30 - 21:00

Any given morning, Caleb wakes up trapped inside the ventilation system of an IKEA market. What at first seems a passing incident becomes a nightmare for days and days. Caleb's only entertainment is to spy people passing through the mall, even getting in an unhealthy love from one of the employees.
Adapting to the extremes of its new "independent republic", transformed into a voyeur, Caleb lives through an unexpected event that will take him on a journey to the fantastic and surreal essence of the famous Swedish multinational.
A funny, desperate and surreal story from the hands of one of the most promising young catalan artists.

CHRISTIAN ROBLES (Barcelona 1990), also known as Kensausage, is fresh out of comic school. He has a very marked style, reminiscent of Dave Cooper or Michael DeForge. Detailed, skinny, sweaty characters which creates in a continuous activity and that is reflected in lots collaborations in national fanzines as well as international sites. go write down his name!