Bubbles #11

Bubbles / · english

Bubbles #11 is 48 pages long, with an 8 page insert, black and white and includes: - Interview with Dash Shaw -- 8 Page insert of unused pages from Dash Shaw's Discipline - Interview with Tim Hensley by Evan Salazar - Interview with Amanda Vähämäki by Ana Pando - Interview with Eike Exner - Comic by M.S. Harkness - Comic by Michael Kennedy - Article: The Face Eater, and Other Japanese I’ve Learned from Kondoh Akino by Ryan Holmberg - Article: The Morrie Turner Signet Paperbacks by Brian Baynes - A long introduction about my travels around the Midwest visiting the Billy Ireland Museum and comic art shows in Chicago during Summer of 2021 - 35ish Reviews of new comics - Letters section

format: grapa / pàgines: 48