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Exposición de dibujos y fanzine de Lalo Mestizo

Fri, 2014-12-19 19:30 - Mon, 2015-01-19 21:30

Over several months, totaling years, I have worked on and off with autistic and psychotic boys and girls. I help and accompany them in everyday needs and rituals. Something that might be very simple to us, to them is a difficulty. And among; Nerve and extrapyramidal Crisis, anxieties, shits, pees, shock, laughter and absurdities. 3 zines and a poetic musical project emerged:
- Amigos de la noche
- pis and love
- noche tras noche trasnocho
-Taliban Jr.

Here is a little remix of these 3 fanzines and other things which this year come to light.
I hope you enjoy it; with respect and affection for those who influence me mutant and creatively.

LaLo Mixed-2014-BCN