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Presentació "te Lo Juro Paula"

Carlos Hebles
Fri, 2018-11-16 19:00 - 21:00

Carlos Hebles will be presenting his new comic, "Te lo juro Paula", birras + free wine at the Fatbottombooks bookstore (Barcelona)

also signing if that also, as you see, I'm going to drink ..

Carlos Hebles

Autobiographical comics; that genre where people who do not know how to write scripts, vomit their crappy dramas thinking that just because they are real, they are of interest to anyone or make us feel identified.
Despite this,
sometimes in the autobiographical you can find stories that are truly captivating, intense, funny, or in short, that contribute something (beyond the shreds of shit mentioned above).
The comic you have in your hands (I hope you have them clean) is one of those that being a simple story (story that Carlos told me having a coffee), gets you to piss yourself laughing and you can learn how far you can get with the combination "joints + chance".
Carlos is the boss, you'll see what a laugh.

Irene Márquez, from the introduction