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Revolta en el còmic

various: · Andrea Ganuza · Conxita Herrero
Fri, 2018-05-18 11:00 - Sun, 2018-05-20 01:00

A weekend at the Macba Museum
Curated by Francesc Ruiz

An apocalyptic trojan camps for two days in the museum to celebrate the emancipating potential of comics and self-publishing, deploying a set of small structures or micro-institutions that define, mainly, the independent comic and zine scene of Barcelona. An open and autonomous community where diffusion, distribution, production and research converge.

Accompanying them, a group of authors whose works, although they may have their origin in the language of comics, tangentially detach themselves from it to embrace other disciplines and move between the spaces of contemporary art, performance, music or poetry; from dissension, where the personal issues are upfront, a political commentary manifests itself and institutional criticism is combined with aesthetic experimentation.

Altogether, it points out how certain practices constitute a resistance against a certain type of consumption. Out of the fog of digital culture, places are born where new imaginaries are produced and other sensibilities are cultivated. Old ways and stories are recovered from oblivion and the canon is subverted without fear. Meeting places where knowledge is shared, between analogical nostalgia and the desire to do.

This program is developed within the framework of the Day and Night of the museums.